Professional Development in Schools

Engage with the Best Teacher-Led PD in the Bay Area

Partner with the Bay Area Writing Project to create personalized professional development for your teachers.

Background image: Chalk Talk at workshop with teachers
Over and over we hear the story of how the writing project has grabbed a teacher at just the right moment.
James Gray, Teachers at the Center: A Memoir of the Early Years of the National Writing Project.

Customizing for Teachers, Teacher Leaders, and School Communities

The Bay Area Writing Project’s professional development programs are designed to address the unique interests of individual schools, districts, and community colleges seeking support in the teaching and learning of writing (K-16).

Teachers-Teaching-Teachers Model

BAWP workshops are led by experienced classroom teachers who have research-based and classroom proven practices in the teaching of writing.

Workshop Options and Schedules

On-site ProgramsBAWP provides single workshops as requested but especially promotes multiple focused sessions across a semester or year so teachers have time to try new practices and come to subsequent sessions sharing results of implementation. Workshops are best structured as half-day or full-day sessions and can be combined with periodic PLC meetings. In addition, BAWP can intersperse coaching sessions, working one-on-one or with small cohorts of teachers.

Virtual Programs:  BAWP offers virtual workshops, maintaining the same high-quality deliveries, but with adjusted scheduling to accommodate teacher availability and preferences. BAWP can customize program content for large audiences and create smaller learning communities so that teachers experience increased individual attention.

Whether delivered in-person or remotely, BAWP programs offer back-to-school institutes with time built-in for teacher planning for the new year, as well as end-of-year institutes with time for reflection, sharing of student work, and planning for the year ahead.

Getting Started

Conversations welcome! For further information, please contact Rebekah Caplan, BAWP’s Associate Director for Professional Development, to learn how we might best serve your students, teachers, and community: sends e-mail)

For other questions, email the main office at sends e-mail)

Recent Professional Development Programs and Workshops