Recent Workshops for Leadership

We have collaborated with the BAWP director, BAWP PD director and our district ELA coordinator to develop an innovative model of PD for our district that goes beyond “sit and get” workshop experiences and includes immersion in lesson experiences, reflection, examination of research, implementation, modified lesson study, and further reflection and examination of student work.
District Literacy Coach

Practices We Hold Dear; Practices to Grow.     

What sustains our good work? What questions will direct new explorations in practice?

Instructional Coaching toward Sustaining Writing Reforms and Practices

Protocols for collaborative classroom observations, supportive coaching, and looking at student work in the PLC.

Establishing Lesson Study Protocols

Guidelines for personalizing instructional inquiries and launching lesson collaboration in professional learning communities.

Facilitating Analysis of Student Work in the PLC

Protocols for conversations about student writing, from single student performances to analysis of common assessments across the grades.

Building Instructional Consistency Across the Grades

Establishing common practices and instructional language to bring coherence to school wide writing programs.

Who Am I? Getting Curious About My Teacherly Motivations

Providing space for deep reflection on individual teacher practice.

For additional information, contact BAWP. 

Email rebc@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail) or bawp@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail)