We plan to host a Forum again soon. Please join our email list to be kept up to date on all our programs and offerings.
Browse the content from our 2021 BAWP Forum below.
Finding Our Way in a Shifting Landscape: Writing Practices That Ground Us
March 13, 2021
8:30 am – 12:10 pm
This year our world as we knew it changed.
For months now, shifts in our instructional contexts have led us to think more deeply and differently about our practice and, more than ever, about meeting the needs of our students. While holding on to our core values of equity and social justice, we are reaffirming what works in writing instruction—in any context—and innovating to meet the demands of the moment.
This year’s Bay Area Writing Project Forum offers educators a place to share individual stories of what has reoriented and grounded us over this past year, and provides a time to share lessons we have learned and relearned about what matters most in writing instruction.
Keynote: A Conversational Tour of the Shifting Landscape: Elementary, Secondary, and College
John Levine BAWP Teacher Consultant, playwright, and Lecturer in the College Writing Programs at UCB, will interview three educators about their experiences since the advent of Covid-19. Listen in as teachers offer their successes and frustrations in virtual classrooms, and share how they negotiated the need to maintain academic rigor while acknowledging the social and emotional needs of their students. Hear how they adapted their practices to meet the tumultuous political climate and worked to make school a safe place--albeit at a distance.
Student Panel
The contexts of teaching and learning have changed drastically over the past year. How have students experienced these changes? Hear students reflect on how teachers are supporting them as learners, thinkers, and humans as they collectively navigate the shifting landscape of education.
Registration and Fees
How to Register
Option 1: Register online with a credit card.
Option 2: Register with a School Purchase Order
- Download the paper registration form: 2021 BAWP Forum Registration Form and submit to bawp@berkeley.edu
Registration: $75.00
- Take advantage of early bird registration (before February 1, 2021): $65.00
- BAWP Teacher Consultants, email the office to get a 50% discount code.
- Groups of 3 or more teachers from one school get a 20% discount! If paying online, discount will be automatically applied. If registering and paying with a school PO, apply discount to total.
Requests for cancellations must be made in writing (bawp@berkeley.edu). Those made before 11:59 pm on Monday, March 1, 2021 will be reimbursed minus a $50 cancellation fee. Any requests received after March 7, 2021 do not qualify for a reimbursement.

8:30 am: Early Arrival Tech Support
8:45 am: Pre-Conference Mingle
9:00 am: Opening Welcome
9:05 - 9:25 am: Keynote Conversation
9:30 - 10:30 am: Workshop Selection #1
10:30 - 10:45 am: Break
10:45 - 11:00 pm: Student Panel
11:05 - 12:05 am: Workshop Selection #2