Who makes history? Well, us, of course! The goal for this workshop is to investigate the perspectives that are often left out of the historical narrative, and to evaluate how the narrative changes when these perspectives are reintroduced. We will work together to create a collaborative timeline, all the while moving between small and full group conversations to support our thinking and writing. Our focus for this timeline will be the AIDS epidemic, but we will close by considering how a collaborative timeline could be used across a variety of topics and content areas to support critical thinking and teamwork in the (virtual) classroom.
Intended Audience: We will be investigating this topic through a high school social studies lens, but all content areas are welcome to join.
Annie Tickell has been teaching high school social science and English in Oakland, California since 2014. She recently participated in the BAWP Invitational Summer Institute, and is a proud member of the 2020 ISI Orchard Cohort.