4. Nurturing Student Engagement: Interactive Digital Learning - Part 1 Pedagogy

Engaging students in this new pandemic world has never been more important nor more difficult. The topics will be covered in two workshops, one focused on pedagogy and one on praxis. With each focusing  on building a safe nurturing, equity focused digital community that engages our students in deep meaningful learning, while balancing empathy and rigor. Utilizing a variety of digital tools; such as Google Classroom, Docs, Presentation, Sites, Flipgrid, Adobe Sparks, or padlet to  break through the constraints of distance learning and focus on the unique opportunities for opening up student voices, choices and collaboration. 

Intended Audience: Upper Elementary through High School Teachers

Heidi Avelina Smith is a Spanish Language Arts and Social Studies teacher at James Lick Middle School in the Spanish Immersion Program where she has taught for the past 15 years. She is a 2008 BAWP TC and has worked with the Legion of Honor and the De Young museums on their teaching curriculums for permanent and rotating exhibitions. While currently navigating the pandemic as a 7th grade teacher, she  has also taught 4-6th, and 8th grade.