Teacher Writers

Teacher Writers

Digital Paper (Submissions from BAWP TCs Only)

Digital Paper is an online magazine published by the Bay Area Writing Project (BAWP). Its contributors are BAWP Teacher Consultants, local educators who completed  the BAWP Invitational Summer Institute in the Teaching of Writing. The audience of this zine is anyone interested in good reading, writing, viewing, and listening.

We are dedicated to the premise that in order to be effective teachers of the arts we must also slide behind typewriters, pick up chalk, strap on guitars, start the camera rolling, reach for the brush…and pursue the arts ourselves, with passionate abandon, tumbling head over heels into the next moment.

This zine contains poems, stories, essays, paintings and more. It is digital. It has audio tracks. It has links. It provides opportunities for feedback and interaction with the writers and artists. Please feed them whenever possible.

Read our most recent issue: https://digitalpaper.wordpress.com/

For more information please contact the ezine editor at bawpdigitalpaper@gmail.com

Teacher Voices (Open to the Public) 

Every teacher knows what it means to be in conversation with another teacher – to discover new ideas, to be inspired to reach higher, to be reassured that our experiments and innovations are not in vain. Teacher Voices is an online space designated for classroom stories, reflections, inquiries, and eyewitness accounts written by teachers for teachers.

We invite you to contribute to a body of work portraying the eye-opening, thought-provoking, and challenging stories and moments that happen in your classroom.

Visit the Teacher Voices page to find out more and learn how to submit a piece for publication. 

Read Write Revolution

Want to write more? Join Read!Write!Revolution!

5-week seasons of writing in a virtual community several times a year.

Writers commit to posting one piece of creative writing each Wednesday night on a shared site and replying to at least three pieces of writing with casual comments of praise, connection and reception. If you're interested in getting on the Potential ReadWriteRevolutionary email list, send your name and email to Evan at readwriterevolution@gmail.com, and he will invite you next time a season is starting up if there is an opening! (If you would like to launch your own Read!Write!Revolution! group, Evan is happy to consult!)